who am i?
- Im suci. i'm krocongers! and you? kopongers? yeaaah. and we are paramore! \\n/ Only dreamer. #25 is nothing! sure.
Senin, 25 Oktober 2010
Hallo! Ini masih pagi loh! Dan gue udah buka blog haha tp lewat hp..........karena sekarang gue lg otw ke spensa-_- hahaha ini masih pagi, dingin banget! Hhhhh-,- drpd gada kerjaan mending pagi22 gua buka blog, drpd twitter wae? Bosen kan? (¬_¬) haha. Dan asal lu tau ya! Gue kesel sama ade gua! Masa dia pura22 sakit perut coba? Supaya gamasuk sekolah?! Mentang22 gada mamah&papah jadinya dia bolos? Kurang ngegeleuhin apa? Iyuh. Udah aaah yaa postingannya. Hehe. Oh iya, WML for today ya! Please be my day! And hope I'm lucky when I do test math! Cause its today!!!!!!!!! Hhhh-_- bye.
lucky or unlucky day?
heylow my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha hari ini gua ngerjain si sapi haha, ampun sap ^^v haha sama si sekar............................. kan bales dendam sap? hehe. terus hari ini tuh sumpah asek abes! pas pelajaran mate, gua ga ikut dong! hahaha kurang enak apa? terus masuknya pas lagi nonton! hahaha asikterus pulangnya gue les di pg daan pas lagi mau berangkat gua bareng sama 5 cowo dong? -.-dan gua cuma sendiri cewenya? iiih... haha tapi pas nyampe pg gua dianterin ke McD sama si dedep haha. dan di pg gua minta ajarin mate! karena? besok! ulangan MATE!!! OMIGOD! cekacekacekaceka-.- haaaa, bu kan kita belum presentasi bu?????? iyuh bgt deh haha, aduh gua gatau mau ngelanjutinnya apa lagi? bingung cekale ieu-,- haha udah yaaa... bye bye :-)
Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010
Silly Bandz are made of silicone formed into shapes including animals, objects, numbers, and letters. They are distributed by BCP Imports and are normally worn as bracelets.
bored monday-__-
hallo! hari ini hari minggu? ada yang ngajak jalan tapi guanya gajadi :( iiiih, terus ga ada yang nganter tapi asal kalian tau ternyata gua bisa bareng dan gua malah ketiduran coba? kurang tolol apa??? -_- dan gua pen bat ikut-__- haha ok gua males ngepost.... udah dulu yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dadah :-)
Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010
satnite or sadnite? both? cannot!
Hello! You've to know what! Internet gua dirumah gabisa coba? Iiiih kurang tai apa? Udah mah paket mingguan gua abis deui-_- iiiih haaa, ini kan malem minggu (¬_¬) aku mau online! Yaaa tp males juga hehe, yaudah pake hp aja hehe. Besok minggu? Aku pen bat nonton........ Tapi? Ga ada yang nganter? Mamahku sedang jauh, di luar negri :( hehe. Aku kangen mama&papa akuuuuuuuuuuu ˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩ hehe. Satnite ini ga ada yang sms cba? Iiiiiiiihh aku mau smsan sama dia! Dia ituloh! Yang itu, haha gewla. Maaf ya yang baca pstingan ini aga lieur-_- hahaha. Lagian? Emang ada yg mau baca? Haha ga ada kan? Yaudah. Bye bye
Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010
Gatau kenapa, gua masih suka mikirin elu yang belum tentu mikirin gua :( mikirin tanggal 25? Tanggal dimana elu ajak gua main, jalan, nonton :( inget saat elu sms gua saat keadaan gua butuh orang banget! Dimana gua lagi bete, lu temenin gua smsan! Walaupung gua gaada pulsa, pasti gua usaha! Tp gua gasuka satu sisi dari elo yang selalu minta tepe-_- astagf, tenang boy gua ikhlas haha. Asal lu tau aja ya kalau lu ledek gua, gua seneng :") saat gua liat elu itu sakit! Beneran! Gatau kenapa? Seakan gua tuh susah bgt buat natep mata elo :( apalagi kalau lu ngajak ngomong! Tau ga waktu pas kita jalan bareng yang ga sengaja tea?? Seneng bgt tau! Haha tp nendia&teman22 malah ngeledekin, frontal lagi-_- wkwk piss^^v haha. Tp itu beneran seru! Haha. Satu hal yang bikin gua setia nunggu elo 'gua yakin lu bisa sama gua, tp ga sekarang mungkin nanti' amiin, Ya Allah! O:-) hehe, udah dulu ya ngepostnya, ada latihan hehe ini kan ol di hp hehe, bye.
gajelas, nyba ol di hp haha
Halloooo, ol di hp nih! Hahaha. Lg disekolah, di altar diem sendiri-_- liatin orang main basket haha gajelas parage. Wkwkwkwk.
Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010
aaa!! its friday!!
hallo! now, i'm at perpus w/ tata! hahaha aaaa gasabar banget buat pulang sekolah ketemu seseorang! -_- hahaha makasih ya buat nabila saadah boediono :-) wkwkwk hahaha gasabar buat baliknya cong cong cong gajelas juga yak-.- udah ah postingannya yang jelas mah gasabar aja buat pulang sekolah! hahaha
Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010
And now the sun is rising
And now the long walk back home (back home)
There's just so many faces,
But no one I need to know (need to know)
In the dark I can't fight it, I fake til I'm numb
But in the bright light,
I taste you on my tongue
Now the party's over
And every bodys gone
I'm left here with myself and I wonder what went wrong
And now my heart is broken
Like the bottles on the floor
Does it really matter?
Or am I just hung over you?
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?
Even my dirty laundry
Everything just smells like you (like you)
And now my head is throbbing
Every song is out of tune
Just like you
In the dark I can't fight it til it disapears
But in the daylight
I taste you in my tears
And now the party's over,
And every bodys gone
I'm left here with myself and I wonder what went wrong
And now my heart is broken
Like the bottles on the floor
Does it really matter?
Or am I just hung over you?
Now Iv'e got myself looking like a mess
Standing alone
Hear at the end try to pretend but no,
I put up my fight
But this is it this time (this time)
Cus I'm here at the end, tryin to pretend
Here at the end, tryin to pretend
Oh, ohhh
And now the party's over,
And every bodys gone
I'm left here with myself and I wonder what went wrong
And now my heart is broken
Like the bottles on the floor
Does it really matter?
Or am I just hung over you?
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?
Ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?
And now the long walk back home (back home)
There's just so many faces,
But no one I need to know (need to know)
In the dark I can't fight it, I fake til I'm numb
But in the bright light,
I taste you on my tongue
Now the party's over
And every bodys gone
I'm left here with myself and I wonder what went wrong
And now my heart is broken
Like the bottles on the floor
Does it really matter?
Or am I just hung over you?
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?
Even my dirty laundry
Everything just smells like you (like you)
And now my head is throbbing
Every song is out of tune
Just like you
In the dark I can't fight it til it disapears
But in the daylight
I taste you in my tears
And now the party's over,
And every bodys gone
I'm left here with myself and I wonder what went wrong
And now my heart is broken
Like the bottles on the floor
Does it really matter?
Or am I just hung over you?
Now Iv'e got myself looking like a mess
Standing alone
Hear at the end try to pretend but no,
I put up my fight
But this is it this time (this time)
Cus I'm here at the end, tryin to pretend
Here at the end, tryin to pretend
Oh, ohhh
And now the party's over,
And every bodys gone
I'm left here with myself and I wonder what went wrong
And now my heart is broken
Like the bottles on the floor
Does it really matter?
Or am I just hung over you?
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?
Ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?
cant wait for FRIDAY!!
now! i need sekar! huahaha, cant wait for meet him! haha, thanks before for my beautiful girls nabila :-) hahaha. haduh gatau mau mengungkapkan apa--' bawaannya pengen teriak sekenceng kencengnya! hahahaha udah ah gatau mau posting apa yaudah yang gapenting aja haha, bye.
Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010
Senin, 18 Oktober 2010
sheila on 7-Hari Bersamanya.
hari telah berganti tak bisa ku hindari
tibalah saat ini
bertemu dengannya
jantungku berdegup cepat
kaki bergetar hebat
akankah aku ulangi
merusak harinya
mohon tuhan untuk kali ini saja
beri aku kekuatan
tuk menatap matanya
mohon tuhan untuk kali ini saja
lancarkanlah hariku
hariku bersamanya
hariku bersamanya
kau tahu betapa aku
lemah di hadapannya
kau tahu berapa lama
aku mendambanya
repeat reff
tuhan tolonglah (hari bersamanya)
tuhan tolonglah (hari bersamanya)
repeat reff
hari bersamanya, hari bersamanya
hari bersamanya, hari bersamanya
hari bersamanya, hari bersamanya
hari bersamanya, hari bersamanya
oh tuhan tolonglah (hari bersamanya)
tuhan tolonglah (hari bersamanya)
25 lagiii
katapenyemangat yang bikin gua masih nunggu elu itu cuma satu! yaitu "mungkin, bukan saat ini gua sama elu. mungkin nanti, tapi ga sekatang! amiin!!!" itu yang buat gua masih nunggu elu! gua tuh nyia nyiain banget ya??? udah dia ngajak nonton gua malah ke kebab, udah pas dikebab gua malah balik?! dasar si uci tolol! ish kesel pannya-__- udah gitu teh dia kayanya mah ngambek-.- tapi ya itu kan pas tanggal 25?? sekarang? jauh kale. udah lupa kali dia? malah kayanya ga inget? haha biarin liat dia ketawa, seneng, puas ngeledekin gua "garuk22 pantat" pun gapapa, yang penting dia seneng, bawa santai aja sih sama guanya mah haha
Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010
Happy Birthday Khairunnisa :-)
happy birthday my khairunnisa :) wish you all the best! semoga yang kamu inginkan tercapai ya! hehehe
makasih udah mau neraktir yaa haha
haha and tysm for today :-)
Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010
waiting for nothing.
haaa, anjir sumpah yaa! iiih masa ga ada yang ngertiin gua? ya Allah astagf. gua teh cape kali diginiin 5 kali? siapa sih yang cape ngalah terus demi hal kaya gitu doang? apa lagi udah nunggu lama, tapi......? sia sia? kranhg nyeuri hate naon boa? ih tai. satu kali aja ke gua suka terus dia mau?! gabisa? yaudah sekalian aja ke enam kali! udah mah itu cowo teh temen deketnya deui-_- ih makin we! sono gih lu sono! jadian tuh sama dia! cepetan sekarang aja! mumpung malem minggu! romantis kan? apalagi kalau udah jadian! hhhheuh sakit hate aing. udah we paehan we urang. engke ge maot. sorry curcol #gaselaw and thanks for @indaaahsp udah mau dengerin cerita uci :) haha
Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010
Senin, 04 Oktober 2010
Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010
You did it again
You did hurt my heart
I don’t know how many times
You... I don’t know what to say
You’ve made me so desperately in love
and now you let me down
You said you’d never lie again
You said this time would be so right
But then I found you were lying there by her side
You.. You turn my whole life so blue
Drowning me so deep, I just can reach myself again
You.. Successfully tore myheart
Now it’s only pieces
Nothing left but pieces of you
You frustated me with this love
I’ve been trying to understand
You know i’m trying i’m trying
You.. I don’t know what to say
You’ve made me so desperately in love
And now you let me down
You did hurt my heart
I don’t know how many times
You... I don’t know what to say
You’ve made me so desperately in love
and now you let me down
You said you’d never lie again
You said this time would be so right
But then I found you were lying there by her side
You.. You turn my whole life so blue
Drowning me so deep, I just can reach myself again
You.. Successfully tore myheart
Now it’s only pieces
Nothing left but pieces of you
You frustated me with this love
I’ve been trying to understand
You know i’m trying i’m trying
You.. I don’t know what to say
You’ve made me so desperately in love
And now you let me down
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